Fethi Khiari
- CEO, United Foods Company
Fethi Khiari has been the CEO of United Foods Company since 2012. He provides leadership for top-level management with a focus on the company’s long-term objectives, growth, and return on investment.Looking back, Fethi began his journey in the food industry at Nestle where he spent 9 years leading frozen food departments in Mexico, Tunisia, and Egypt. His diverse professional experiences shaped his career so he would be able to take on bigger roles with full confidence. Later, he joined Chupa Chups in 1992 where he assumed various positions in the MENA and Caribbean regions. After a period of time, he moved to settle in Colombia and Brazil.After 20 years of international experience, he joined IFFCO Group as the CEO of Tiffany, a leading confectionery brand in the MENA region. In 2012, when he was offered the opportunity to move outside the confectionery world, he embarked on a new mission as a CEO at UFC, the first GCC Fats & Edible Oils manufacturing company headquartered in Dubai.
- MD of Al Islami Foods
- Founding Director of Souq Extra
- Chairman of AlFarooj Restaurant
- Board Member of Aman Insurance
- Chairman of Food & Beverage Manufacturing group under Dubai Chamber